By B.Arch (NATA & JEE Paper2) Coaching In Delhi @ Institute Of Creative Sciences
Memory Drawings
All kinds of drawing and sketching at all point is done from memory. Even if that memory is only seconds old, it serves to help you sketch the thing as it gets stored in your memory. A designer’s ability to recall something previously seen is all the more important when their subject is no longer in view. All artists and designers create things from memory of things which they have noticed at some point of time in their life.Power Of Observation
To observe, notice and to memorise details seen in everyday life things is a great art. When we consciously observe something, the details of that observation gets retained in our memory for future use. By conscious observation of objects around us , we train our mind to remember details in a better manner. By regular practice of conscious observation, a art or design aspirant can train himself to draw better. The hand-eye-mind co-ordination gets better by conscious observation and practice.
Memory-drawing ought to be done in addition to your regular art and design training, not instead of it. In a perfect education it would be incorporated into traditional instruction, but the reality is that you will most likely be training your visual memory on your own.